American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists

Standard Symbolic Codes


In 2020, Ichthyology & Herpetology (ex Copeia) published a list of Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology and Herpetology (Sabaj, 2020). Since that publication, the list has been updated with corrections and additions. 

The Newest Code List (v. 9.7) can be downloaded here as an Excel (xlsx) file.

For historical and modern natural history collections associated with lost and extant specimens of fossil and Recent fishes, amphibians and reptiles, the previous version of the list (v. 9.0) list included a total of 3911 codes anchored to about 2101 distinct collections and/or institutions in 156 countries with at least 655 of those including fossil specimens or exclusively paleontological.

The two lists can be cited accordingly:

Sabaj, M.H. 2020. Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology and Herpetology. Copeia 108(3): 593-669.

Sabaj M.H. 2025. Codes for Natural History Collections in Ichthyology and Herpetology (online supplement). Version 9.7 (3 Mar 2025). Electronically accessible at, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Washington, DC.

For example: Institutional codes follow Sabaj (2020; 2025).

Please send additions, corrections and updates, however minor, to Mark Sabaj at Equally welcome is confirmation that a particular abbreviation remains in current use or disuse.


For comments and suggestions on v 9.1–9.7 (Sabaj, 2025), thanks to: Paco Cardenas, Cristina Cox Fernandes, Vladimir Devyatkov, Oscar Flores-Villela, Uri Garcia, Vadim Glinsky, Václav Gvoždík, Gabriela Hogue, Marinus Hoogmoed, Megan King, Matthew Kolmann, Hiroyuki Motomura, Rafaela Priscila Ota, Carlos Paz, Roberto Andrés Keller Pérez, Miguel Pinto and James Anyelo Vanegas-Rios.

For comments and suggestions on v 9.0 (Sabaj, 2022), thanks to: Marcelo Rodrigues dos Anjos, William E. Bemis, Tim Berra, Flávio Bockmann, Kelly S. Boyle, Carl Ferraris, Jr., Anthony Gill, Damián Ibarra, Seishi Kimura, Rüber Lukas, Frederik Mollen, Chad E. Montgomery, Jeffery M. Ray, Joseph Schall, J. Jesús Sigala Rodríguez and Peter Uetz

For comments and suggestions on v 8.0 (Sabaj, 2020), thanks to: Erik Åhlander, Ikram Ahmed, A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Fèlix Amat, Aaron Bauer, Małgorzata, Bieńkowska-Wasiluk, Abner Bucol, Emma Burns, Mario R. Cabrera, Ashok Captain, Luis Ceríaco, R. Chaitanya, Gustavo Chiaramonte, Erdogan Çiçek, Ron Coleman, Ruiz Díaz, Carlos Luis DoNascimiento Montoya, André Esguicero, Ben Frable, Uwe Fritz, Cecile Gama, N'Zi Konan Gervais, Ned Gilmore, Michał Ginter, Irene Goyenechea, Thomas Hörnschemeyer, Jan K. Legind, Flávio Lima, Lynda Loucks, Paulo Lucinda, Vicente Mata-Silva, Wilfredo A. Matamoros, Shai Meiri, Michael Maia Mincarone, Juan Marcos Mirande, Dirk Neumann, Mazin Qumsiyeh, Abdel Fattah N. Abd Rabou, Shobha Sharma, Adriano Lima Silveira, Leo Smith, Wayne Starnes, K.K. Subhash Babu, Gert Tröster, Peter Uetz, Mark D. Uhen, Bart Vanhoorne, Lilian Xavier and Wei Zhou

For comments and suggestions on v 7.1 (Sabaj 2019), thanks to: Saman R. Afrasiab, Henry Agudelo-Zamora, Cameron Ainsworth, A.A. Thasun Amarasinghe, Miquel Arnedo, Christopher C. Austin, Andrei Barabanov, Hank Bart, K.K. Bineesh, José L.O. Birindelli, Sergio Bogan, Maria Ines Borella, Paulo A. Buckup, Fernando Carvajal, Fernando R. Carvalho, Ann Case, Adam E. Cohen, Werner Conradie, Brian Crother, Milena Cvijanović, Marc De Meyer, Luis Fernando Del Moral-Flores, Jeremy Dewaard, James Andrew DeWoody, Omar Domínguez-Domínguez, Carlos Luis DoNascimiento Montoya, Hiromitsu Endo, James Erdmann, Ron I. Eytan, Fahmi, Gilan Attaran Farmiani, Daniel Fernando, Brant Fisher, Ronald Fricke, John Friel, Michael Gangloff, Adrián F. González Acosta, Alastair Graham, Martin Gross, Dean A. Hendrickson, Hsuan-Ching (Hans) Ho, Erich P. Hofmann, Erich Hofmann, Gabriel Hoinsoude Segniagbeto, Juan Pablo Hurtado, John Hutchinson, Leonardo F.S. Ingenito, Robert Jenkins, Fernando Jerep, Yazdan Keivany, Vitaliy Kharchenko, Wolfgang Kießling, Valery A. Korneyev, Mihaela-Cristina Krause, Janaki Krishna, Travis J. LaDuc, Thomas C. LaDuke, Walter Lechner, Heather Leslie, Flávio Lima, Si-Min Lin, Marcelo Loureiro, Carlos Alberto Santos de Lucena, Couttenier Maarten, Luiz R. Malabarba, Mizuki Matsunuma, David Maynard, Stefano Mazzotti, Danny Meirte, Marcelo Melo, Konstantin Milto, Zeeshan Mirza, Jiří Moravec, Timo Moritz, Cécile Mourer-Chauviré, Zainal A. Muchlisin, Igor Muratov, Cortney Mycroft, Muhammad Nasir, José Navarro, Heok Hee Ng, Marco Pavia, Ilaria Perzia, Chris Phillips, Ted Pietsch, Kyle Piller, Andrea Polanco, Carla Polaz, Gianluca Polgar, Francisco Provenzano, Robero E. Reis, Emmanuel Robert, Shannen L. Robson, Mostafa Saleh, Michael Sandel, Sarah Sanger, Ingo Schindler, Antoni Serra Sorribes, Jamie M. Smith, Jos Snoeks, Alexandra M. Snyder, Darrel E. Snyder, Jules M.R. Soto, Carol Spencer, Victor Springer, Wayne Starnes, Frank Steinheimer, Yzel Rondon Súarez, Christopher A. Taylor, Aran Testa, Franck Theeten, Jeff Thomas, Matt Thomas, Alfred Thomson, Ilia Timukhin, Mônica de Toledo Piza Ragazzo , Stan Trauth, Hui-Yun Tseng, Boris Tuniyev, Peter Uetz, Didier Van den Spiegel, Irma Del Carmen Vila Pinto, Van Wallach , Colin Wen, Wim Wouters, Leon Yun-Chih Liao, Igor Zagorodniuk and Jiang Zhou.

For comments and suggestions on v 6.5 (Sabaj, 2016), thanks to: James Albert, Gerry Allen, Luciano Javier Avila, Mercedes Azpelicueta, Christopher J. Bell, Andrew Bentley, Sergio Bogan, John Clay Bruner, Stephen D. Busack, Carlos Donascimiento, Dave Catania, Gustavo Chiaramonte, Gavin Dally, Margaret F. Docker, Dana Ehret, Chris R. Feldman, Luiz Fernandez, Carl Ferraris, Jr., Carl Ferraris, Jr., Uiblein Franz, John Friel, Gustavo Graciolli, Lauren Finn Hauptman, Georg Heumann, Yoshiaki Kai, Unmesh Katwate, Marcus Knight, Randall Mooi, Cindy Opitz, Heather L. Prestridge, Matt Rayner, Roy Santa Cruz Farfán, Ingo Schindler, Andrew Shedlock, Christopher E. Smith, Puan Su Chin Sidih, Sam Sweet, Travis W. Taggart, Victor Tagliacollo, Peter Uetz, Jens Vindum, H.J. Walker, Gregory Watkins-Colwell, William Watson and Andrea Weiler.

For comments and suggestions on v 5.0 (Sabaj, 2014), thanks to: William D. Anderson, Jr., Gloria Arratia, Hipócrates Chalkidis, David Cundall, Byron J. Freeman, Eli Greenbaum, James Hanken, Sarah Huber, Kei Miyamoto, Mariana Morando, Hiroyuki Motomura, Luciana Barreto Nascimento, Heather L. Prestridge, Rob Robins, Alexandra M. Snyder, Leandro Sousa, Victor Springer, Lou Van Guelpen, James Anyelo Vanegas-Rios and Matthew D. Wagner.

For comments and suggestions on v 4.0 (Sabaj, 2013), thanks to: Mahmoud Aboukheir, Ana Almendariz, Franco Andreone, José L.O. Birindelli, Giovanni Boano, Paulo A. Buckup, Marcel Rodrigo Cavallaro, Luis Coloma, Cristina Cox Fernandes, Andrew J. Crawford, Mrinal Das, Ronald de Ruiter, Juan M. Díaz de Astarloa, Maria Dimaki, Robert E. Espinoza, Rick Feeney, Elena Gavetti, Gabriela Hogue, Kazumi Hosoya, Yukio Iwatsuki, G. David Johnson, Hans Viborg Kristensen, Leon Yun-Chih Liao, Fernando Lobo, Lynda Loucks, Paulo H.F. Lucinda, Heok Hee Ng, Larry M. Page, Andrea Polanco, Rocío Rodiles-Hernández, Jay M. Savage, Stefano Scali (via Edoardo Razzetti), Ángel Sosa, Camm C. Swift, Hiroaki Takeuchi, Christine Thacker, Stan Trauth, Leandro Villa-Verde, Brian Zimmerman. Special thanks to Edoardo Razzetti for reviewing records on collections in Italy, and Hong-Ming Chen for reviewing records on collections in Taiwan.

For comments and suggestions on v 3.0 (Sabaj, 2012), thanks to: James Albert, Salvador Bailon, Diego Baldo, Bruce Bauer, Andy Bentley, John Clay Bruner, Angelo Capparella, Marcel Rodrigo Cavallaro, Christy Classi, Guarino Rinaldi Colli, Robert A. Daniels, Sandy Echternacht, Héctor Espinosa Pérez, Michael S. Finkler, David M. Green, Laurence M. Hardy, Karsten Edward Hartel, Dean A. Hendrickson, Gabriela Hogue, Richard King, Francisco Kolenc, Hans Viborg Kristensen, Sven Kullander, Travis J. LaDuc, Adam D. Leaché, Peter Lindeman, Meredith Mahoney, Raúl Maneyro, Jim I. Mead, Nicola Novarini, John Reiss, Douglas Rodríguez Olarte, Ronald de Ruiter, Gento Shinohara, Alexandra M. Snyder, Carol Spencer, Mark Steinhilber, Masayuki Sumida and David B. Wake.

For comments and suggestions on previous versions, thanks to: Henry Agudelo-Zamora, William D. Anderson, Jr., Jonathan Armbruster, Stevan J. Arnold, Raoul Bain, Andrew Bentley, Wolfgang Böhme, Ursula Bott, John Clay Bruner, Brooks Burr, Janalee P. Caldwell, Alfredo Carvalho-Filho, Marcel R. Cavallaro, Joseph T. Collins, Chip Cotton, David L. Cundall, Luiz J. de Queiroz, Michael Doosey, Harold Dundee, William Eschmeyer, Balazs Farkas, Oscar Flores-Villela, Brian Gill, Ned Gilmore, Gavin Hanke, Art Harris, Amy Henrici, Eric Hilton, Ivan Ineich, Vladimir E. Kharin, Seishi Kimura, Chaiwut Krudpan, Luiz R. Malabarba, Edith C. Marsh-Matthews, Mark McGrouther, Rafael Miranda, Jan Mol, Hiroyuki Motomura, Michael Newbrey, Truong Nguyen, Leslie Rissler, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Rocío Rodiles-Hernández, Stephen P. Rogers, Albert E. Sanders, Jay M. Savage, Guenter A. Schuster, Frank J. Schwartz, Brian Sidlauskas, Darrel E. Snyder, Travis W. Taggart, Donald Taphorn and Tom Trnski.