American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Systematic Ichthyology
Award Announcement
The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH) solicits nominations for the Robert H. Gibbs, Jr. Memorial Award for Excellence in Systematic Ichthyology. The prize is awarded for “an outstanding body of published work in systematic ichthyology” to a citizen of a Western Hemisphere nation who has not received the award previously. The award is offered annually and consists of a plaque and a cash award (approximately $3,000). The Society will present the award during the plenary session at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Nominations may be made by any ichthyologist, including self-nominations, and should include the nominee's curriculum vitae as well as a cover letter from the nominator detailing the nominee's specific contributions to and impacts on systematic ichthyology. Up to three supporting letters may also be included in the nomination packet.
Nominations should be submitted by 1 March 2025 for the nominee to be eligible for the award. Nominations will be effective for three years.
Nominations should be sent to Dr. Katherine Bemis, Chair of the 2025 Gibbs Committee ( Electronic submissions in PDF format are required.
Past Winners
2024: David G. Smith
2023: Jonathan W. Armbruster
2022: William D. Anderson, Jr. 2021: Roberto E. Reis
2020: Mario de Pinna
2019: Carole Baldwin
2018: Tom Munroe
2017: Tyson Roberts
2016: Melanie Stiassny
2015: Jeffrey Leis
2014: Naércio A. Menezes
2013: Lynne R. Parenti
2012: Lance Grande
2011: William Smith-Vaniz
2010: John G. Lundberg
2009: Leonard Compagno
2008: Richard Vari
2007: Gloria Arratia
2006: Richard Winterbottom
2005: Theodore W. Pietsch
2004: Edward O. Wiley
2003: G. David Johnson
2002: Joseph S. Nelson
2001: Lawrence M. Page
2000: James C. Tyler
1999: William N. Eschmeyer
1998: Richard Robins
1997: Daniel Cohen
1996: William Gosline
1995: Reeve M. Bailey
1994: Robert R. Miller
1993: Victor G. Springer
1992: Gareth J. Nelson
1991: Stanley H. Weitzman
1990: John E. Randall
1989: Bruce B. Collette