Support the American Society of Ichthyology & Herpetology

Over the years, many people have supported the ASIH with their generous donations. The Society sincerely thanks everyone for their contributions over and above annual membership dues. If you wish to make a donation to ASIH, please visit the Society’s business site. And note, the ASIH is eligible to receive IRA distributions.

2024 Donations

$1000 or more

Jonathan & Barbara Baskin
Maureen A. Donnelly
Harry W. Greene
Tomio Iwamoto
Robert Lea
Margaret Neighbors
Lynne R. Parenti 
David Smith


Prosanta Chakrabarty (fundraiser)
Harry & Arline Fierstine (bequest)
Gene Helfman & Judy Meyer
Philip Hastings
George V. Lauder
Susan Sogard
William Smith-Vaniz


Gloria Arratia-Schultze
Michael A. Bell
Katherine Bemis
Barry Chernoff
David Cundall
Edward DeMartini
Robert N. Fisher
Fidelity Charitable
Sarah J. Kupferberg
Rene Pauline Martin
Katherine Maslenikov
Raymond P. Morgan
Thomas A. Munroe
Frank Lorenzo Pezold III
Kevin de Queiroz
Deanna J. Stouder
John P. Sullivan
Joseph Travis
Alec J. Turner
Zachary Wolf

(Calcium phosphate)

Callie Hendricks Crawford
Terry J. Donaldson
Stacy C. Farina
Carola Haas
Jacqueline D. Litzgus
Meredith Mahoney
Ann-Elizabeth Nash
Clay Frederick Noss
Ray C. Schmidt
W. Waldo Wakefield 

2023 Donations

$1000 or more

Bob & Sheri Ashley
Prosanta Chakrabarty et al. (fundraiser)
Maureen A. Donnelly
Harry & Arline Fierstine (bequest)
Bruce Collette
Lynne R. Parenti


Kevin de Queiroz
Jill M. Jollay
Gene Helfman & Judy Meyer
F. Douglas Martin


Jonathan & Barbara Baskin
Barry Chernoff
Terry J. Donaldson
Edward DeMartini
Marc P. Hayes
Katherine Maslenikov
Frank H. McCormick
Raymond P. Morgan
Margaret Neighbors
Kevin L. Tang
Melvin L. Warren
Mark W. Westneat

(Calcium phosphate)

Anonymous (x3)
Jae Abel
Patrick Donston
Anthony A. Echelle
Jacob J. Egge
Douglas F. Fraser
Carola Haas
Lily C. Hughes
Philip Lobel
Meredith Mahoney
Rene Pauline Martin
Ann-Elizabeth Nash
Jennifer C. Olori
Alan H. Savitzky
Deanna J. Stouder
Pascal Olivier Title
Joseph Travis
W. Waldo Wakefield